The One With the Best of Me
You all have heard the expression, getting the best of someone. It means that you've fooled them or taken advantage of them in some way. But I heard a song on the radio that I think has a new perspective on that saying. Is someone getting the best of you, meaning are you giving the best of yourself in the things that you do. I was thinking about that yesterday, that I need to try harder to give the people that are very important to me the best that I have to give. Sometimes, I think I don't do that.
You know, I could mail everyone's birthday presents on time. How hard would that be? I could spend more time shopping and find the perfect gift. When my mom comes to visit, I could spend more time coming up with fun things to do instead of entertaining her by watching college football and jogging on the beach. (I did have a great time with her, though. I'm glad she came to visit.) I could call my friends more often instead of waiting for them to call me. I could pay more compliments to my friends so that they know that I care about them. These are all things I'm going to try harder to do.
I'm also going to try harder to get out of bed at 5:30 -- I slept in again this morning -- to take the dogs out running. I took Muggsy back to the beach that I got special permission to run on last night. We went about a mile, but we only jogged 1/4 of it. I stopped when he was consistently trying to pull me back toward the car. It's weird being hooked up to him like a musher, but he's starting to get the hang of the pulling. I can't wait until we're in better shape.
I got another behavior assessment yesterday, and it basically said to keep doing the things I have been doing. No new suggestions to help me keep going. He's had blowups every two days since coming off the medication, mostly over his crate. I can't decide if I'm going to take it away from him or not. I really like the way that he just climbs into it when he's getting stressed about the neighbor dogs barking (they bark all day!!) instead of barking back. I'm just not sure what to do about that one. I still think the best course of action is to stay off medication though. It just makes me more comfortable, and it seems like the goods aren't outweighing the bads for him either.
As for Chubbs, we are going to spend a lot of time focusing on focus. I took him to be the neutral dog at the Canine Good Citizen test Tuesday night and wouldn't stop staring at the other dogs. I realized I hadn't done enough heelwork with him to get him to focus on me when he's in the heel position. Since I'm going to get him Canine Good Citizen certified in this next class period, I'm going to get a head start on that. Once I do that, he'll be Level 1 therapy certified and can go to nursing homes and schools and stuff. I think he'd be great for that program where the kids read to dogs. After that, I'm taking him to agility class. I think that will be so fun!!
I have very little motivation to work today. I hate it when you don't really like your job, so nothing is driving you to go to work and give it your best. But I guess I'd better get back at it. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
You know, I could mail everyone's birthday presents on time. How hard would that be? I could spend more time shopping and find the perfect gift. When my mom comes to visit, I could spend more time coming up with fun things to do instead of entertaining her by watching college football and jogging on the beach. (I did have a great time with her, though. I'm glad she came to visit.) I could call my friends more often instead of waiting for them to call me. I could pay more compliments to my friends so that they know that I care about them. These are all things I'm going to try harder to do.
I'm also going to try harder to get out of bed at 5:30 -- I slept in again this morning -- to take the dogs out running. I took Muggsy back to the beach that I got special permission to run on last night. We went about a mile, but we only jogged 1/4 of it. I stopped when he was consistently trying to pull me back toward the car. It's weird being hooked up to him like a musher, but he's starting to get the hang of the pulling. I can't wait until we're in better shape.
I got another behavior assessment yesterday, and it basically said to keep doing the things I have been doing. No new suggestions to help me keep going. He's had blowups every two days since coming off the medication, mostly over his crate. I can't decide if I'm going to take it away from him or not. I really like the way that he just climbs into it when he's getting stressed about the neighbor dogs barking (they bark all day!!) instead of barking back. I'm just not sure what to do about that one. I still think the best course of action is to stay off medication though. It just makes me more comfortable, and it seems like the goods aren't outweighing the bads for him either.
As for Chubbs, we are going to spend a lot of time focusing on focus. I took him to be the neutral dog at the Canine Good Citizen test Tuesday night and wouldn't stop staring at the other dogs. I realized I hadn't done enough heelwork with him to get him to focus on me when he's in the heel position. Since I'm going to get him Canine Good Citizen certified in this next class period, I'm going to get a head start on that. Once I do that, he'll be Level 1 therapy certified and can go to nursing homes and schools and stuff. I think he'd be great for that program where the kids read to dogs. After that, I'm taking him to agility class. I think that will be so fun!!
I have very little motivation to work today. I hate it when you don't really like your job, so nothing is driving you to go to work and give it your best. But I guess I'd better get back at it. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
Well I don't know about this plan. These traits are your hallmark. I like getting my presents in November instead of October! But I do like the idea of more compliments. ;)
And I totally agree about the job thing. My new dream is to become a buyer for Pottery Barn. Or something besides tax accountant. It's really, really, really boring me. I have discovered that I'm project-oriented. I work really hard and perform well under pressure. But once it's done and the pressure's off ... I'm a total slacker.
By Monica, at 3:39 PM
I'm the exact same way, and I almost said that in the post. When I have a huge project, I'm so excited and work hard to get it done. But when I only have one or two small things that I could get done in five minutes on my plate, it's really hard for me to get them done. :) Funny.
By Rachel, at 5:22 PM
Oh, have you gotten your present yet?
By Rachel, at 5:23 PM
Your mom had a wonderful time jogging on the beach and in the canyon, and just riding around CA in your car. Plus reading three novels which is so relaxing. I know it's corny, but just being around you is enough. The good thing about Muggsy is that he's territorial about his crate, but he used to be that way about the whole house. And it is impressive when he goes into his crate on his own when he starts getting anxious. Chubbs would be a perfect dog for senior centers and kids because he is so soft. They would love him to pieces (me too!).
By Diana, at 8:38 PM
Nope, no present yet. But I'll check my front porch. We always go in the back door, so we don't see packages sometimes!
By Monica, at 7:48 AM
Glad you had a wonderful time. It was nice to have you around, too. But you can't have Chubbs!!
By Rachel, at 9:29 AM
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