Central Hawk

Saturday, December 31

The One Without the Junior Mints

Last night, I went to a movie with a gift card Joanna gave me for Christmas. $25, enough for two movie tickets and a snack. I skipped dessert at the restaurant so I could have my favorite movie snack -- Junior Mints. However, when I reached the candy counter, I was dismayed to find that AMC theaters, mine at least, don't carry Junior Mints.

What's wrong with this picture? I thought Junior Mints were a movie staple for everyone. How could a movie theater have no Junior Mints? In a Sex and the City episode, Carrie is on a date and when her date suggests popcorn, she says, "Uh-oh, I'm a Junior Mint girl. I'm not sure this will work." The candy itself is so great that it's featured in a Seinfeld episode. How can it not be at my movie theater? What a letdown.

I decided on Milk Duds, which are excellent, but I left the movie a little disappointed. It's been a long time since I've been to the movies, granted, but has anyone else noticed this disturbing trend at theaters?


  • That's why if I want Junior Mints or something else, I buy it beforehand, stash it in my pocket or Mercedes' purse and take it out once the movie starts.

    That way I'm getting what I want and saving about $4.

    By Blogger jason, at 2:43 PM  

  • Perhaps it's less important, but how was the movie?

    By Blogger Diana, at 8:42 PM  

  • The movie was only OK. I liked it, but I didn't think it was great, which is usually how I feel every time I go to the movies, so you might like it. There was a part where she was talking about how she didn't fit in with her family and everyone was laughing but I was crying. Oops. Still a few issues. :)

    As for bringing in candy, I had a gift card with just enough for a snack, and I was really looking forward to the Junior Mints. Next time I go to the movies, which I'm sure will be this time next year, I'll be sure to bring my own snacks!!

    By Blogger Rachel, at 11:11 AM  

  • What movie was it? The Family Stone? I wanted to see that, but then everyone I mentioned it to was like "Oh, it was OK." I don't want to see an OK movie, I want to see a GREAT movie!

    And Junior Mints, definitely a staple. That's appalling!

    By Blogger Monica, at 3:44 PM  

  • It was "Rumor Has It" of course. You think I'd pay to see a movie that DIDN'T have Jennifer Aniston in it? :)

    By Blogger Rachel, at 10:43 PM  

  • Oh, how was that? I heard I wouldn't get it if I haven't seen the Graduate? Which I haven't, of course!

    By Blogger Monica, at 12:09 PM  

  • Yeah, you should see the Graduate. Fortunately, that's one of the movies Ross made me watch when he found out I hadn't. But it's pretty good.

    I thought the very ending was corny, but it was funny throughout and there was a nice moment with the dad right before the very ending. I think you'd probably like it.

    By Blogger Rachel, at 11:55 AM  

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