Central Hawk

Sunday, May 22

The One With Days 6-8

Muggsy Training Diary, Days 6-8
May 20-22, 2005

It's a lot harder to write on the weekends. I'm really busy with dog training and chores and don't spend a lot of time on the computer. This weekend, I didn't get a lot of training done either. I rearranged the house and took care of chores. Plus, I went to the dentist to get some cavities filled, which always makes me feel icky. Pretty much a waste of a day.

Monday, I'll be back at it!! And next weekend, I have three days off to spend plenty of time working with my Muggsy. We did have one blow-up, but it was Robby's fault. He reached into Muggsy's crate in the dark to pet him. It was a nice gesture, but not good with a reactive dog. He got scared and snapped and barked, immediately running up to Robby for forgiveness. He seems to value his crate space a lot, but just when it's dark. I wonder if he can't see that well at night.

I did see his tongue a couple of times. I started doing a little dog massage on him, called T-Touch, that another of the trainers I work with taught me. I'm helping her with a case study so she can become certified. He seemed to like it sometimes and be hesitant of it other times. But it will be an interesting experiment to see if I can get him to relax more.


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