Central Hawk

Monday, July 25

The One With All the Management

We have crossed into a dangerous area. Yesterday, Muggsy attacked Chubbs and left a puncture wound on each of his front feet. Most dog experts say that once there is damage, changes for rehabilitation dramatically decrease. My boss still seems a little optimistic, but I'm not allowed to have Muggsy and Chubbs in the same room unless Muggsy is muzzled. This means someone is always in a crate or we're all in separate rooms. I don't think I have to explain to you all why this sucks.

I got up early this morning to take Muggsy for a walk since he will be confined to the smallest area during the day. I'm hoping to make this into a habit. Right now, I have him closed into the bedroom while Chubbs and Fenway have run of the house. I did this because I don't want to leave him crammed in his crate all day, but the air is in the living room, so I can't close the door. I plan to buy a baby gate tonight.

Basically, the attacks are escalating. My boss thinks that without medication, they will continue to get worse as Muggsy gets older. Since he's only 4, his attacks could start getting very dangerous for Chubbs. It's about 50-50 that medication will help at all, but I hope that it will be what Muggsy needs to get him back on the right track.

Just wanted to keep you all updated on what's going on, and Mon, what you'll be walking into this weekend when you arrive in "paradise."


  • Major bummer. That stinks for all involved. Did they give you some kind of estimate of when the tests will come back in and when they can get him started on medication?

    Don't worry about me, I'll bring my steel-toed flip-flops. :)

    By Blogger Monica, at 2:13 PM  

  • Well, my boss told me to call and tell them that it was ridiculous that I had paid so much money and was getting such crappy service and that I want my blood results faxed to me tomorrow. :) I'll let you know how that works out.

    By Blogger Rachel, at 9:00 AM  

  • I'm so sorry that happened to Chubbs. It's really important now that you are able to start medication.

    By Blogger Diana, at 12:03 PM  

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