Central Hawk

Friday, June 2

The One With the Old Friend

When I was in college, my friends used to joke that Jose Cuervo was the best boyfriend I ever had. And it's true that we had a lot of good times together. He was fun at parties, he made me feel good and he never made me throw up, like mean ole Smirnoff (and Barry... :). We spent every weekend together junior year.

But there were some disadvantages to our friendships. When I gave myself an ulcer sophomore year, where was he? Partying with other girls I would guess (though he never did sleep with any of my friends, like Barry...) I would argue that a better friend has always been Rocky Road. But not just any Rocky Road. It has to be Dreyers Rocky Road with real marshmellows. No matter how poor I was, I always had a quart of that in my freezer. We spent many a wonderful night together, even during those ulcer days. ("It's time for the good stuff now, right?")

Well, I recently discovered this old friend after a two-year fling with Ben and Jerry (yes, I can handle two men at a time). I had forgotten how much I loved him. Now I have a bowl every night after dinner, and even though my stomach isn't thrilled with me, I have been loving it.

OK, seriously speaking of old friends, you will never believe who might be moving to LA, Mon. Mikey V. Yes, Mikey V. who was embarrassed when I answered the door in my bra. I will NEVER forget the look on his face. He e-mailed me today to ask me if it would be affordable on his salary and if I liked it. I explained to him my complex feelings about LA and assured him that, yes, it is affordable. But how funny would it be if we became friends again?!?!?

I guess this must be former Jayhawks reunite week because not only did my old college roommate locate a very old friend who I miss dearly, but I also heard from random Michael Terry. Do you remember him? Random. He's married with kids. I just can't picture it. AND I forgot this, but he's friends with Eric Reed, who I still hear from monthly. He said that my "old fling" was married and had a kid, and I had to tell him that yes, I know, we still talk. Don't you find it weird that I still talk to Eric Reed? I mean, really.


  • RANDOMNESS!!! This is crazy-talk. Mikey V and Eric Reed. Is Ross aware that these guys used to stalk you and now one of them might be moving to LA? ;)

    Those were the days ... you used to drink like a freakin' Spanish fish (what kind of fish would that be exactly?). Speaking of old friends ... how about those tubes of cookie dough I used to eat. And I think we bought mac & cheese by the case.

    By Blogger Monica, at 12:04 AM  

  • Mikey V and Eric didn't stalk me. Bob and that weird guy from Spanish class used to stalk me... The weirdest thing Mikey V did was try to hide my shoes when I was watching a movie at his house. And, Eric, well we all remember his meltdown at the taco bell. "You know, he's been hurt before..."

    I'm still on speaking terms with Mac and Cheese. But not cookie dough. So gross... But not as gross as you know what -- the dipping of the peanut butter sandwiches. Sick. Sick. Sick.

    By Blogger Rachel, at 4:51 PM  

  • Or the cereal with milk on it ... *gasp* ... left in the sink for days. Now that IS disgusting. And thus the necessity of the cones.

    Alright, maybe they weren't stalkers, but they were definitely infatuated with one Rachel Greene. Wasn't it Eric who's "song" was Refuge from Tom Petty ... ah ha ha. That still cracks me up.

    By Blogger Monica, at 8:07 PM  

  • Um, I guess that should be "whose" ... I obviously was not an English major.

    Say it with me: "Y-O-U-'-R-E ...

    By Blogger Monica, at 8:08 PM  

  • Yes, that was Eric. That, too, still cracks me up.

    As do the cones. That was some serious stink.

    By Blogger Rachel, at 7:47 PM  

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