Central Hawk

Saturday, December 30

The One With My Lazy Eye

I decided to get Lasik eye surgery. My work will pay for it, and it would be nice to be able to wake up in the morning and see the alarm clock without squinting. So, while on my vacation this last week, I went in for my consultation. Turns out, I have a lazy eye.

I've always known that I've never been able to make my eyes cross-eyed like everyone else can. That's because my right eye gives up when it can't do something. I should have had therapy for this at age 6 to teach my eyes how to work, but of course, I didn't since I'm just learning about it at 27. I can still take therapy, but all it will do is improve it, not fix it.

So this is the reason that I can't see. It isn't because of genetics. It's because if my eye can't see something, it will just quit trying and then my other eye has to strain to work, causing my eye sight to get worse and worse. That's why I get headaches. So my eye doctor told me that even though getting this prescription that's lower than all my previous ones, eventually, my eye will quit trying at this level, too, and I'll start getting the headaches again.

Now, this is not to say that I can't get Lasik. In fact, the Lasik is going to help my headaches because my one strong eye won't have to strain anymore. But as soon as I get Lasik, I'm going to have to get reading glasses so I don't put undo strain on my eyes when I use the computer. Ahh, the irony. I guess I will never escape glasses. But I'm still going to do it because I'd rather just have to wear glasses for reading and using the computer than having to wear them all the time.


  • CRAZY! I can't believe no other eye doctor ever caught this. My eye doctor told me that many times children with poor eyesight won't see an eye doctor until it's too late. And then, even if the eye doctor gets them eyeglasses, their brains have only developed to see at 20/80 or whatever. So it's really important that kids see the eye doctor at a young age.

    I had David checked and he is 20/40, not bad enough for glasses but he has to come in every year.

    If it makes you feel any better, I actually need bifocals, but refuse to get them before I turn 30. Maybe by then I too can have Lasik. :)

    By Blogger Monica, at 12:38 PM  

  • Yeah, my eye doctor said I should have had the therapy by the time I was 6. Crazy, huh?

    By Blogger Rachel, at 6:40 PM  

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