Central Hawk

Tuesday, June 28

The One with the PMS

Only it's post, not pre. Very strange. For example, the little fam and I were out running errands last weekend and we stopped at an Arby's to eat lunch. David picked out our table and it was right next to two older couples. The first couple were problem the children of the second, much older couple. As they were smiling and nodding at David, I noticed the oldest man was probably in his eighties or nineties and was pretty feeble. All of the sudden, my eyes just welled up with tears and I couldn't stop crying! Out of nowhere! Chandler asked me what was wrong and I managed to eek out "I miss my Grandpa."

I don't know if it was seeing David interact with the older man and being sad that he never met Grandpa, or just how feeble the man was, but it just hit me hard! I just couldn't stop crying until we left Arby's! I've gone completely soft. Maybe I need to move to California, tattoo my eyebrows on and harden up. :)

On a lighter note (and maybe I should come up with a less gross title ...), I just had a great time in California last week hanging out with Ross and Rachel. Although I was ill one night and Rach didn't feel so hot the next, it was just good to walk around and laugh and talk together. I just love Ross (and I guess I should since he's like a brother to me? ... :) and think he's the perfect fit for Rachel, as her post a couple of days ago explains beautifully. Now what should I sing at the wedding ... Summer of 69? Or maybe " ... at the Copa, Copa Cabana. It's the hottest spot north of Havanna ... everybody!" Who cares? I'll be wearing some great tennis shoes! And we'll DEFINITELY have lots of dessert, whether we ate our dinner or not!


  • I'm glad you had fun. I was afraid you didn't because Ross and I are so boring. But I had a great time, too. It's so nice to spend time with people who know you and understand you. I'm glad you came. And I'm glad you like Ross. He's a good fit.

    That's funny about the old man. I cried this morning when Muggsy did his trick right, so I don't think Cali will toughen you up. But it will beat you into submission. Joanna will, at least, tatooed eyebrows and all!

    By Blogger Rachel, at 1:21 PM  

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