Central Hawk

Tuesday, July 26

The One With the Mentor

It's very rare that you find a friend that's willing to help you out whenever you need without expecting anything in return. And I have to say that without a friend in California, this Muggsy stuff would be really hard. It's already hard, but I'm a long way from all the people who care about me and making friends with all the fake people has been very hard. However, my dog training boss, who I can never come up with a clever Friends name for, has been that friend for me. She's almost like a mom away from home the way she always tries to help me and gets angry when someone hurts me.

The most recent example of this is my behaviorist who we call Dr. Boneysocks because she was wearing socks with bones on them during our appointment. She has been at a conference the last two weeks and nearly impossible to get a hold of. This while I have my hands full with a dog who is hungry for Chubbs blood. I have e-mailed her three times in the last week in desperation and have received no response. I have left messages with her secretary and received no response. I paid $450 for this and have gotten very little support. My boss actually said last night, "I hate these people," because of the way they are treating me. :)

Today, she told me to call them and tell them that I wanted the results of the blood panel faxed to me by tomorrow. (Does everyone remember how hard it is for me to be assertive? :) Don't think she doesn't know this, so she has called me twice this morning to make sure I did it.) I never got a response, so I called the actual clinic where the blood was taken. (She made me do this, too.) The wonderful woman who answers the phone there told me that they had faxed that information to Dr. Boneysocks and I could get it from her. I frankly told them that she wasn't returning my calls, nor was anyone in her office, and my dog was getting worse. They had just told me that I owed another $150 for the blood work, so I told them that since this was all coming out of my pocket, I wanted the results faxed directly to me. Now, I have no idea what any of the numbers mean, but guess who does ... that's right, my boss. Have I mentioned in the last 15 seconds how much she means to me?

The thyroid panel, which is the important one, hasn't been completed yet, but they told me that it would be done later this afternoon or tomorrow. I told them to fax that information directly to me. Right now, my boss is going over the blood panel that I just sent her and is going to get back to me on whether or not Muggsy can have medication. If he can, I might just set it up through the clinic where they drew the blood, even though I find it ridiculous that I paid $600 for no service. I'm supposed to have three months of unlimited e-mail and phone time.

But at least I have my boss.


  • Yes, commenting on my own blog. I received the results of the blood panel. Muggsy is hypothyroid, which has caused his entire immune system to practically crash. We will have to shut down his thyroid and have him on medication for the rest of his life. He is also severly dehydrated from stress. But his liver can handle medication, though my boss thinks we should wait to see if he feels better once his thyroid has stabilized.

    I tried to call about medication and still got no return call and was so angry on my next answering machine message that my friend down the hall heard me and came to see if I was OK. I tried to be polite, but I'm paying a lot of money for them to RETURN MY PHONE CALLS and HELP MY DOG. There is something wrong with my dog. It needs to be better.

    I also have to put him on supplements for his allergies. That's just a side note, but they're really bad this year, too. Poor guy feels like crap. And there's nothing I can do about it.

    Turns out, and this made me feel really guilty, my friend's wife almost died from thyroid cancer and now has the same problem that Muggsy has. He said that it's very hard to adjust the medicene, and it's probably going to be a rough few months while we're working on it.

    But now you know. Everything is going to be just fine.

    By Blogger Rachel, at 2:10 PM  

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