Central Hawk

Saturday, March 4

The One With the Fighting Landlords

There's no good way to make this phonecall:

"Hi. Do you accept pets?"
"Dogs, plural? How many do you have?"
"What sizes?"
"Two 80-pound and one 30-pound."
"Are they friendly?"
"Well, one hates people."

Yes, we are a landlords dream. But funnily enough, people love us so much that landlords have been fighting over us.

Our landlords love us so much that they offered to build us a bigger backyard if we stay. For those of you who haven't been to our house, we have a huge front yard and a very small backyard. Muggsy can't be in the front yard, so that leaves him confined to the small backyard when he can't be in the house. But they are going to convert most of the frontyard into the backyard and build us a proper 6-foot fence. Our rent is going to go up a little. I'm fine with that. We were going to be paying more for another place anyway.

Yes, this place is still too small, but I've made a ton of dog friendly changes already to make Muggsy more comfortable, and I feel like it's as good as it can be. I'm going to renovate the storage area to make it into a Muggsy room where he and I can go to be alone when he's feeling stressed. I'm kind of relieved that we don't have to move.

But the funny thing is that we had some other landlords who wanted us so much that they were willing to build an addition onto their guest house to make it bigger so we would want to rent there. We told them it was too small, but we really liked it otherwise and they really wanted to rent to us, not look for someone else. People LOVE us! Fun.

We do have a change in our house though because we got our new bed and sheets this weekend. I'm not as excited as Ross because I loved my old bed, but this one is nice, and I'm sure I'll get used to it once I've slept in it a few times.

Job Search 2006: I had a job interview Thursday. It sounds like a great job, but of course, they're offering a lot less than I make and I don't want to take a paycut that big. I'd like to find something before my commute grows by an hour, but I don't want to lose $15,000 a year either. I've also been indirectly contacted for a job. A former colleague asked a mutual friend if I would be interested in a position at her company so I called her to try to set up a lunch. Apparently, she likes to interview the person she wants over lunch before the interview and then just use the interview process as a formality. This job would probably be a big pay raise and closer to my house, though still a longer commute than I currently have. But I think it would be a good transition place until I'm ready to do dog training full-time.

I also have some basketball comments, but I promised SOMEONE that I'd wait until she published her blog. When is that going to be? :)


  • Ah ... I finally finished my post! So comment away! :)

    How is the new bed? The job interviews?

    I don't know what it is about you girl, but people LOVE you. Even when they should run screaming from your dogs, they just can't get enough of you. "What? Only 3 dogs? Are you sure you don't want to get a couple of St. Bernards and Great Danes? I'll build you a 10-foot fence!" Crazy. Don't get me wrong, I'm very glad for you! But it's still crazy, considering you have three dogs and I'M the one whose been evicted before?!? :)

    By Blogger Monica, at 11:14 PM  

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