Central Hawk

Monday, June 5

The One With the Attack

Well, it happened again. Muggsy attacked Chubbs this weekend. Chubbs was crowding Muggsy and Muggsy lost his temper, I think. I was in bed when it happened. It's so sad. You can see it in Muggsy's eyes -- he hates Chubbs.

But Chubbs did excellent in agility class. It was his last class, and he was clearly one of the best. He's not good at it, but every other dog except him and Flash were afraid of everything. They didn't want to go in the tunnels or climb the seesaws. There was one doberman who was so afraid of everything that he would take off running for the door when he could get free of his owner. She actually said, "That dog just needs to know that I'm the dominant one." What? Your dog is scared shitless and clearly needs a smarter owner. Sorry, but that bugs me. Poor dog. Chubbs would do anything I said, though. He was running through tunnels, banging across the seesaw and perfectly sticking his landings. Flash's owner even said to me, "My dog and your dog are the best dogs in this class." But any guy who gets a basset hound and names it Flash has to be pretty smart, right?


  • I'm sorry to hear about the attack. I hope that Muggsy having his own room will help with that.

    I'm so proud of Chubbs! It sounds like he's doing great, and you know that Flash only does well b/c he follows Chubbs. ;)

    I love that name. Excellent stuff.

    By Blogger Monica, at 8:05 AM  

  • I would bet that he named that dog Flash after Smokey and the Bandit.

    By Blogger jason, at 11:03 PM  

  • I've never seen that. I thought it was just the irony of a basset named Flash. I should ask...

    By Blogger Rachel, at 9:04 PM  

  • I've never seen that. I thought it was just the irony of a basset named Flash. I should ask...

    By Blogger Rachel, at 9:04 PM  

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