Central Hawk

Tuesday, January 9

The One Where Muggsy Is Sick

Yesterday, Muggsy attacked Chubbs. It was my fault. Ross was in the kitchen preparing their food, which is an action-packed time, and they probably shouldn't be in the room together. Plus, I was in there, a major point of contention for them. But it was the first time in a really long time. We could check the blog archives to figure out when, but it's been a few months.

All the rest of the night, Muggsy was extra barky and would growl at Chubbs every time he got too close. This hasn't happened in months and months. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I kept wracking my brain all night, trying to figure it out.

This morning, I did. Muggsy vomited massive amounts of vomit, all over the shoes that I was going to where to work. The poor guy wasn't feeling good. Everything is fine now.


  • Oh no! I'm sorry, I haven't been on the blog in awhile and jsut saw this. So too little, too late ... but still, massive condolences for that massive vomiting episode. Yuck.

    By Blogger Monica, at 12:34 PM  

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