Central Hawk

Friday, May 27

The One With Day 12

Muggsy's Training Diary, Day 12
May 26, 2005

OK, I'm so lame. Let me just admit it here first. I am the laziest person on the face of the Earth. I had a long list of things to do last night: clean the kitchen counter, walk the dogs to focus on loose-leash walking with Chubbs, work with Muggsy on vet prep and work on my book. Guess what I did? None of it. I had a splitting headache and went to bed at 8 p.m. and that's after taking a nap from 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Good thing I don't have anything on my list for tonight because now I have to do all of that stuff tonight so I can get Saturday's even longer list done. I feel terrible. Here Muggsy relies on me to make him better, and I go to bed on him. What a mom. But I'm back at it tonight, and I'll make things better by spending lots of time with him over my three day weekend. I have three aggression lessons with my boss, but after that, I will have the rest of the weekend to focus on my own aggression case.

I'm also having problems with my car, so that might be a bunch of time and money out of my weekend. Damn catallitic convertor, or however you spell that...


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