Central Hawk

Tuesday, June 28

The One With the Conspiracy Theory?

"Do you believe in conspiracy theories?"

My favorite co-worker, the Hispanic who battled his background to have a successful career who I admire more than probably anyone I've ever met in my life, asked me that today because he had something on his mind. He enjoys talking to me because I try to keep up on political issues and when I don't know what's going on, I'm happy to listen. We first bonded over our mutual interest in real estate trends. I'm a geek, I know, but I like to be informed. I also haven't used this blog as a means to comment on politics because I don't like to be one of those people who complains about things they don't know that much about -- or when they don't plan to do anything about it but complain. Anyway, I will give an opinion here, but you have to be patient.

So he sent me a link and said he wanted to discuss it with me once I had looked at it. It really freaked me out. I sent it out to a couple of people today who I thought would enjoy it, but I decided to go ahead and post it because Phoebe might find it interesting. Remember when she didn't believe in gravity because lately she'd been feeling more pushed down than pulled? Silly Phoebe.

Anyway, look at this link: http://www.freedomunderground.org/memoryhole/pentagon.php#Main

The belief Gunther has been researching is that the government had enough evidence well in advance to prevent the attack on the twin towers. In fact, it's documented that Bush's brother is the head of security for the company that provides the security for the twin towers. It has also been documented through written statements that 4,000 employees that should have been at work on Sept. 11 were removed from the building. But the government -- our own government -- wanted it to be an attack on *America* instead of an attack on capitalism. So they sent a missile through the Pentagon, in a place where very few would die. This link is pretty hard to argue with, no matter what your position.

I don't want to get into whether or not our government would really do something like that and cover it up. What I think is tragic is that the media hasn't brought any of this to our attention. This has all gone by completely unquestioned. I know I have a lot of disallusioned former and current media friends out there. Didn't you get into reporting to make a difference? OK, I was a sports reporter. The political impacts are minimal. But I studied journalism because it was one of those rare professions where you can really make a difference. Obviously not as much as government or public service or the military, but you could report the news -- tell people the truth, uncover the stories whether good or bad.

This isn't happening anymore. Our government isn't being questioned as it should. Gunther has tape of British officials openly criticizing our government and it not being properly reported in our papers. I can't even watch television news because of how openly biased it is. It's become unpatriotic to criticize the government. Newspapers have to do what they can to keep their advertising -- they're a dying breed. I just feel that we've lost one of our checks and balances.

With all of the things that are happening right now, I think it's a scary time to be an American. We have to become more informed on the issues and make an active effort to be a part of our government.

This will sound silly, but I recently joined an online group that fights unjust pet laws. The group discusses all aspects of politics, however, and it has led me to some other groups, such as a group that keeps us abreast of eminent domain conflicts in our area so we can take action. This won't affect me because I live in a very wealthy area, and L.A. is already over-developed, but it could very well affect those of you in rapidly growing cities like San Antonio, some DFW suburbs, even places like Lawrence. This has really opened my eyes to how we have to band together to fight our rights being taken away because the government certainly isn't protecting us, not that it really ever has.

Anyway, I thought you all might find this interesting. I'd rather talk about that than Muggsy, who lunged and snapped at Robby tonight. I know he had a very stressful day -- and my boss said to expect this behavior for the next week or so -- but it's very frustrating to take a step forward and two steps back. :)


  • Being the not-so-deep person that I am, I don't watch the news b/c I hate hearing about children being abused or someone shooting their dog in the head with a nail. But Chandler attempts to keep me informed. He told me that the Supreme Court ruled for eminent domains in cities now and that the city can come and take your property for private development, not just public, if it will be good for the city. Then he said that right after that ruling came out, someone in the city one of the judge's lives in is attempting to get the city to put in a private development where that judge lives and exercise eminent domain over his property. I hope they approve it.

    How ridiculous is this? So there could be a beautiful established neighborhood, but the city could clear it out and put in some nasty mall so they make more money? I tell you what, somehow Americans are going to pay (if they aren't already) for their greedy, shallow, self-serving behavior.

    But on the original point of this post, I couldn't get my link to work. I'm at Freedom Underground, but I'm not sure where to go from there ... If you have time, send me some directions. If not, I'll just mess around with it later. I'm interested to read more about this though. I have struggled with understanding the truth of this for a long time. I always thought that there was information withheld, but to this level? Wow.

    By Blogger Monica, at 7:15 AM  

  • I don't know how to make the link work from there. Sorry. Try googling "missile hits Pentagon" or something like that. It's really interesting to see, if you can.

    People can win in eminent domain cases when the neighbors really band together and fight, but it's a really scary ruling. Senator Coryn of, I think, Texas is proposing a bill now that would limit those rights and restore more of our freedoms from the 5th amendment, so I hope that moves forward.

    I agree, our greed is getting way out of control. And we'll pay for it with our property!

    By Blogger Rachel, at 10:19 AM  

  • I was able to view the video. It's scary that it could be true, but it doesn't surprise me. I'm cynical I know. Eminent domain happens frequently, and here in Lawrence, too, for "the greater good", like building new streets, etc. Can't argue with that, but the government should not have unlimited power. And, yes, yes, where is the press?! They are the fourth branch of government and we can't afford to be without them when the executive branch is busy bullying and stacking the deck in the other two. Okay, so you can see that I just got back from the American Library Association meeting - that ultra-liberal group that is on the front lines of protecting our freedom of speech. Seriously. Barak Obama called us the "full-time defenders of intellectual freedom" in his keynote address. I'm so proud.

    By Blogger Diana, at 5:16 PM  

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