Central Hawk

Tuesday, August 9

The One With the Bad Mother

And the award for world's worst mother goes to...yes, that's right, me.

OK, probably not. After all, my dogs are more well cared for than some people's children. But I've had yet another run of bad luck.

Yesterday, I found out that the new vet clinic I went to didn't draw enough blood. That means, of course, that I have to do it again. This is the fourth time, in case anyone is counting, and I'm getting pretty pissed. Does having a Ph.D. mean nothing? Just draw the blood out of my dog's leg. This is so hard on him and I'm just devastated about taking him back. He handled it so well last time. Yes, he was terrified, but his bounce back was incredible. He went from four days to four minutes, and you could just tell that he trusted I was making the right decisions. This is huge progress for our relationship. Now, I feel like I'm betraying him by making him do it again when it isn't his fault that the vet was incompetant. And he doesn't even know. I'm sure he'll trust me again after this, too.

Plus, guys, this is getting expensive. It's like $250 a pop to do this, not to mention the $450 I spent on the vet who refused to treat him. I'm in the process of trying to get some of my money back, but I have to do it again -- with a different doctor -- Wednesday. This time, I'm going straight to the doctor who wrote the book on thyroid. Fortunately, she, like 16 million others, is living right here in Southern California. And she answers her own phones. Gotta love that.

Now onto the next story of my bad mother-ness... Every morning, I get up early to take Muggsy for a walk. I do this because he's back in the bedroom all day, getting less exercise than he used to when he had access to other dogs to play with and the back yard. As I was bringing him in today, he attacked Chubbs. I, of course, did my abandonment training, but unfortunately, Chubbs followed me. He ran down the sidewalk, but his recall is rock solid, so he came back and I got him in the car. When I got back home, he refused to leave the car. Just refused. He was too scared to go back in the house. I had to drag him from the car and put Muggsy in his crate so that Chubbs would feel safe running through the living room, straight into his crate. Boy, did that make me feel terrible. I spend all this time working with my first son and my second is too afraid to come in the house. What a terrible atmosphere to live in. And they don't have a choice. I picked them and brought them into my life, and they have to live with the consequences. Terrible. Awful, awful, awful. I was all excited because they played together last night and it seemed like Chubbs was getting less afraid to be around Muggsy. Poor guy.

Thanks, everyone, for your consolation and support yesterday. But my other best friend, Mindy, has to get the award for saying just the right thing at just the right time, "You know it will be fine. But it sucks right now." Leave it to her to know exactly what it is that I need to hear. But I do appreciate all the you'll be fines and he'll still love yous and you're doing a great jobs that I got yesterday. It's nice to know that so many people care about you. Even Joanna was understanding and told me that when you love another life that much and try to do your best by it, everything will work out. I could see her eyes light up when I said, "I just want someone to be accountable and admit they made a mistake instead of pointing fingers." It was like I was speaking her language -- the language of work. It was very nice of her to let me leave work yesterday when I was devastated and take Wednesday off for the blood draw.

So, yes, with all this support, I know everything will work out. It just sucks right now.


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