Central Hawk

Thursday, November 3

The One With the Fun Trip Down Memory Lane

Last night, Mindy and I were on the phone looking at her new friendster profile. I have one because another of my friends from college invited me to join, and we were looking at all our second-degree friends. Mindy kept finding people from her high school, so I decided to look for people from mine. I found only one -- the guy I went to prom with when I was a sophomore. His profile said he was looking to meet MEN for relationships.

I've been saying all along that there must have been someone gay who I went to high school with who was just afraid to be different. So not only did I go to school with a gay guy but I went to his senior prom with him!! I'm such a magnet. One of my close friends in college "came out" to me, and the best non-dog friend I've made here is a gay man. I'm very excited. I sent him a message, asking if he remembered me. Wonder if I'll hear from him.

And I had one other happy childhood memory that I wanted to share because I think about this a lot actually. This is not to say that I don't have fond memories of my childhood because I do, but we were poor and didn't have a lot and my parents did drugs and I was different, and I spent a lot of my childhood counting the days until I turned 18. But when I was a little girl, once a week my mom would take us to town to go grocery shopping, and there was this little market that we went to on Main St. to buy fruits and vegetables. Every time we went, even though she probably couldn't afford it, my mom would let my brother and I pick out 20 pieces of candy each -- tootsie rolls, Bit O Honeys, jawbreakers, caramels, whatever we wanted. And we could have two pieces on the way home. I can still remember going through the baskets, picking out my 20 favorite pieces of candy very carefully, and then sitting in the car on the way home, thinking even more carefully about which two I would eat first. For some reason, this is one of the best memories of my childhood. It's such a simple thing, but it was so important to me. I looked forward to it every week.

Every Tuesday, I have to go to a construction meeting for this huge recycled water pipeline my company is building through Torrance, and the contractors always have little dishes of candy set out for us -- mini candy bars, tootsie rolls and sometimes Bit O Honeys. So every week I think back on that part of my childhood and remember how much I enjoyed going to that little market to pick out candy.

It's funny what sticks with you.


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