Central Hawk

Monday, January 9

The One with the Boss's Salary

So, the "Employee Services" group sits right behind me at work. I put their name in quotes b/c I'm not really sure what "service" they provide. They are generally quite worthless. They are implementing a new HR system, and there have been a host of problems and many complaints. The most pressing to me is that they are so freakin' loud.

My boss, we'll call her (I'm not very good at this name thing) Natalie ... which is her actual name ... anyway, she did not receive her paycheck this past Friday b/c the new system jacked up. So a couple of ES losers are on the phone with their support folks talking about Natalie's missing paycheck. And the tech guy goes, "what are the amounts?" And then the ES losers just start reading off her paycheck!!! Hello! Her entire group of subordinates sits ONE ROW OVER. So now I know how much my boss makes. I find this extremely unprofessional. Does anyone else? How hard is it to say, "hey, I'll call you right back from a conference room" or get off speaker phone and whisper the amounts or email ... something!

So who thinks I should report this little infraction to these people's supervisor? And can you tell that I loathe them?


  • I definitely think you should mention it to someone. That's very unprofessional. But I'm coming from a completely different world. Because I work for a public agency, my boss' salary is public information. There was a board memo about it when he was hired.

    By Blogger Rachel, at 4:20 PM  

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