Central Hawk

Monday, September 4

The One With the Crazy Cousins Club

Last night, I had the weirdest dream. But to understand the dream, you have to hear a story from my childhood. When I was 9, I moved from our first house to a farm and my grandparents moved into our house in town. It had this second story that was built like an attic where my brother and I had shared a room. Back in the wall was this weird little closet that went back behind the wall so far you couldn't get to the back of it. It was great for hiding stuff that could get you in trouble. My little brother used it to hide bags of change that he collected from people.

Anyway, he'd forget those bags were hidden back there and one time, Mon, my brother, her sister and I found one of those bags in that closet in what was now my grandma's house. We decided to use the money to buy a bunch of candy for a trip we were taking to Kentucky to take Mon home after she had stayed with me. I think both families were meeting halfway because I remember eating the candy in a hotel and flushing the evidence down the toilet. We had all agreed not to tell our parents about this candy, thinking we were being so horrible and deceptive.

In my dream, we called this action the Crazy Cousins Club because we're all cousins, obviously, and decided, as adults, to tell our parents about this deception. In the dream, our parents get so mad about this and we're all fighting with them about everything. Our point was that it was no big deal, but they were so mad. In one part of the dream, I'm screaming at my dad about how he was never my father and that I've been more of an adult than him since I was 12.

I have lots of dreams like this where I confront my parents about stuff that happened when I was a kid, but this was a first. We were all fighting like the crazy family we are. I thought you would find it funny, Mon.

Sorry for the lack of blogging lately. My job is killing me. I'm planning this big event, getting the education program started and doing all of my regular daily work. I'm literally doing the work that four people used to do. It's really getting to me. So I don't have much time to blog or respond to e-mails, but I'll try to be better about keeping in touch.


  • I AM SO PISSED! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?! AND MONICA, YOU TOO! just teasing. I love all of you in the Crazy Cousins Club. It's funny, dreams can tell us so much sometimes.

    By Blogger Diana, at 5:54 PM  

  • Wait! You didn't know about the Crazy Cousins Club? We're so slick. All these years and we were never discovered...

    By Blogger Rachel, at 8:54 PM  

  • Oh man ... what are you doing? You just broke some pact, I'm sure of it. That is so funny. 1. How dorky were we? (Let's not get into the time we married some stuffed dogs, who shall remain nameless.) 2. Interesting that you fight w/ people in your dreams ... but not in real life. But I can't talk, sometimes I have imaginary fights w/ people. Or are they real? I don't know, you know how everything gets all confused in my mind. :)

    By Blogger Monica, at 10:08 AM  

  • I hope the CCC can forgive me... Remember Crime Cutters. We cut crime to pieces. :)

    I do my best fighting in my dreams. You should hear the things I say to you (just kidding... maybe we can have a Thursday night chat this week.)

    By Blogger Rachel, at 7:09 PM  

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