Central Hawk

Tuesday, June 5

The One With Three Jobs and a Job Interview

Last week, I took a couple of sick days to help my new dog walking boss while she was out of town visiting her dying father-in-law. I thought this would be pretty simple. Boy, was I wrong. First of all, the first day I did it, I also worked my full-time job and my dog training job. Big mistake. I was late for everything, making me frazzled, making me forget what I was doing.

There's a lot to remember: fill the dog bowls, leave a note, take a picture and e-mail it to the owner, send a text when I leave, follow any other instructions the owner has, oh and take the dog for a walk.

The second day, I didn't work my full-time job, but I ended up working in the morning a little because the office fell apart on Wednesday, and I had a job interview. This resulted in me not making it to one of the appointments and having to call in the emergency backup.

The good news is that I got the job!! It's a job tutoring for the SAT. It'll only be part time, but it pays more than I make now. I have training this weekend because they want me to start right away. Sooo, as soon as I can get up to 20 hours, I'm going to quit my full-time job!!! (In journalism, they call what I just did by putting this news in the fourth paragraph burying the lede. :)

Friday was supposed to be my easy day, but I lost a key. Yes, I lost a key for one of the clients. I don't know how I did it. The funny thing is that I have a photographic memory. I can always remember the last place I had something. I can always remember if I moved it someplace weird or whatever. Always. And I have no idea what happened to this key. I remember where I last had it. Now it's gone. So I felt awful. I thought I was going to be fired. I was hysterical. I actually climbed an 8-foot fence to take the dog for a walk. Oh, yes, I did.

But despite all that, I actually had a pretty good time. I love the dogs, and I really enjoy myself a lot more than when I'm cooped up in this office all day, making copies for my boss despite the fact that I am NOT her admin assistant. I'm still nervous, but I've noticed that the closer I am to quitting, the more my complexion clears up and the more my stomach problems seem to let up. So I think I'm making the right move... Now, I just have to hope that I can get enough clients to make ends meet.


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