Central Hawk

Monday, August 6

The One With the Update

When Mon and I started this blog, everyone I knew had a blog that they updated regularly. I guess they must be fading in popularity a little because now only a few of my friends have blogs and those are updated hardly ever. In fact, I forget to check them now because they are updated so seldom, which means that I forget to check my own and then update it.

But here's what's been going on. I quit my job. My last day is Friday. I gave a month notice. But then my bitch of a boss quit, so I have agreed to stay on part-time and help. The general manager told one of my colleagues today that I can have that job as long as I want it. So I'm not really saying good-bye, which I guess is a good thing because it will mean extra money.

I start school in two weeks, which is crazy because I just celebrated my 28th birthday. Strange to think that 10 years after I started school at KU that I will be starting school again in a completely unrelated field. But I'm excited about the prospect of starting a new career and doing something that I will really enjoy and be passionate about. PR just isn't it. I loved being a reporter, but nothing else in the communications field really appeals to me. I like working with animals now, and it's something that I definitely want to continue in some capacity.

My dog training boss is moving to Arizona, so I am also starting my own dog training business. It has been an eye-opening experience so far, all of the things you have to do, but I'm enjoying it. My web site is almost complete, and my collateral is done, just waiting on the printer.

It seems like baby fever is in the air. My best friend is due in a month. Ross' best friend's wife is due in two, and two of my close friends are trying. I continue to stick by my dogs-only policy, made only stronger by my fabulous family of dogs. Muggsy has been incredible the last month. With one of my best friends visiting for a week and then my mom visiting for a week, I felt sure that Muggsy was going to have a meltdown. But he has been amazing at managing his mood swings. He's definitely a little more high-strung, but he continues to make the right decisions in dealing with Chubbs and other areas where he struggles. Just Saturday, I was lying in bed, enjoying the last few minutes of my morning before I had to get up and get ready for dog class, when I heard Ross trying to get Muggsy off the couch. I yelled out, "Wanna come see Momma?" to which he jumped from the couch and ran into the bedroom, smiling and wagging his tail. (For those who have never seen a dog smile like a person, it's the cutest thing ever. A lot of dogs can't do it, and I wonder if it's more common in dogs that are only dogs for awhile and have to learn more human mannerisms.) I was almost late for class because I love cuddling with him so much. It's moments like those that make everything bad in life just melt away.

Hope everyone has a great week.


  • I was just thinking that recently -- I guess the blog craze is a thing of the past! Oh well. It was fun while it lasted, and a nice way to keep up with everybody you don't see often... I think Alex can smile like a human, too, and I hope our special few minutes of him laying by me and me scratching his ears and belly first thing in the morning continue once Breleigh is born! My mom has said since the minute she met Alex that she swears there's a human living inside of him, you just have to look into his eyes to tell!
    -- Mercedes

    By Blogger Mercedes, at 7:00 AM  

  • That's so sweet. I feel the same way about Muggsy. The reason I picked him from the pound were his eyes. He can read me like a human can and knows just what to do when I'm upset.

    By Blogger Rachel, at 11:59 AM  

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