Central Hawk

Saturday, October 13

The One With Too Many Jobs

When I was a little girl, I had a coloring book with a koala bear that had many different jobs. I used to go through it and tell my friend which of the jobs I wanted (all but homemaker, which I explained to my friend, didn't mean building homes). She said to me, "No one can have that many jobs." I said, "I can." Turns out, Vicky was right. No person should have six jobs and go back to school. There's really not enough time in the day for that. So I have neglected my blogging and everything that doesn't earn me a paycheck or an A.

But today is a special day, one that has caused me to get on this blog and say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEEEEEAAAARRRR MON! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" I made you birthday flan....


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