Central Hawk

Monday, October 29

The One With Chemistry Hell

Going back to school is hard. Don't let anyone tell you it isn't. Especially when you're trying to major in something that you don't naturally excel in and you're used to naturally exceling at things. I haven't been writing on this for awhile, but I'm going to try to start again. My mom is right -- writing things down helps. And I miss hearing from everyone. (Come on, Mon, what are you doing with your time these days? :)

To complicate matters, I have been suffering from a mini-depression lately. Two weeks ago, something happened to one of my friends, well his kids actually, that reminded me of my own childhood and really shook me up. My therapist would call that "a trigger." Despite my best efforts, I fell into a two-week depression that made me want to do nothing but drink and sleep in late. When I'm depressed, I can't sleep at night but I don't want to get up in the morning. Even though I was exhausted last night, I still couldn't get to sleep! It's so annoying.

Then, today, I was reminded -- probably by a song on the radio -- of the thing that gets me through pretty much everything: The worst part of my life is already over. Do you know what a relief that is? I know that I survived the very worst part of my life. It's over. No matter what happens next, I know I will be able to survive it. And thinking of that put a big smile on my face that I kept even through chem lab. And, hey, I don't have to go into my office job anymore! Another smile...

So I think I'm feeling better. And just in time. I have to start making my lazy ass go back to class. I have a huge chem test Wednesday, and I've barely studied. So I have tomorrow off from all my jobs and I'm getting ready for my 24-hour study-a-thon. See you on the other side...

Saturday, October 13

The One With Too Many Jobs

When I was a little girl, I had a coloring book with a koala bear that had many different jobs. I used to go through it and tell my friend which of the jobs I wanted (all but homemaker, which I explained to my friend, didn't mean building homes). She said to me, "No one can have that many jobs." I said, "I can." Turns out, Vicky was right. No person should have six jobs and go back to school. There's really not enough time in the day for that. So I have neglected my blogging and everything that doesn't earn me a paycheck or an A.

But today is a special day, one that has caused me to get on this blog and say, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEEEEEAAAARRRR MON! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" I made you birthday flan....