Central Hawk

Friday, August 18

The One With No Traffic

The weirdest thing happened to me yesterday on my way to work. I admit that I slept in an extra 45 minutes and was heading into work at 9 instead of 8. But that still doesn't explain what happened.

When I got on the freeway, there were six cars. Six. That's it. I counted. The other side of the freeway was packed in true Southern California fashion, but my side had only six cars. I expected the traffic to pick up as I drove on, and it did a little, but there was less traffic than I have ever seen on my drive to work.

There was probably a wreck that closed the freeway a few exits north of mine. That's the only explanation. But it was the eeriest thing. You're just not expecting to get on the freeway and find it empty at any time in Los Angeles, especially 9 a.m. on a Thursday. I felt like the world was coming to an end, and I was the only one who didn't knew about it.

And any time there's no traffic in the South Bay, it's news worthy.

Monday, August 14

The One With the Breakup

I started my love affair with Jose Cuervo when I was in middle school. It was the first drink I ever drank, even though I didn't develop my exclusive relationship with it until I was 19. I had a four-year fling with Crown before I dedicated my evenings to tequila. Jose was with me everywhere I went in college. He moved with me to various internships and finally to Dallas, where I had my first job. He never treated me poorly. I always had a good time with him, and I never woke up puking, which I couldn't say for some of my other friends, namely Gin and Vodka.

But I think after last night, I have to admit that it's over between us. It's not like I haven't seen it coming. I haven't spent much time with him since my ulcers got worse after I graduated from college. Because of this, I've been an almost strictly beer girl for years. Last year, when I went home for the Final Four, I spent an entire Saturday throwing up after downing a shot of tequila and several beers. That was the most cruely he's ever treated me.

However, last night, I went to a friend's birthday party. As I walked in the door, everyone was doing these giant tequila shots. Not being one to say no to a good shot, I joined right in. I followed that up with three beers. Yes, three. This wasn't Jose, of course. It was the good, high-quality tequila that we can now afford as working professionals. But the result was the same. I was up for three hours last night, alternating between really hot and really cold and running to the bathroom to purge the poison.

I guess I have to admit that I just can't drink like I used to. My stomach keeps getting worse and just doesn't seem to have much patience for my antics. It's disappointing, though. I'll really miss that Jose.

Thursday, August 10

The One With My Internal Stress

I admit it, I internalize my stress. I don't even know that I'm stressed. I don't feel it. Rarely ever. But, of course I am. I'm doing the job of six people and I have Directors breathing down my neck and pressuring me to participate in their unethical behavior. I won't know that I'm stressed until I get sick.

While working for my crazy boss who made me feel like everything about my personality was wrong, I suffered from dizzy spells, migraines, rashes and intense stomach problems. During that time, I was seeing a stomach specialist to try to solve my problems, which I didn't realize were stress-related at the time. Even he suggested that I see a shrink.

But I know what my problem is -- when I was about 17-18, I quit trusting people. It's a long story , and it would probably make my mom cry, but I started internalizing all my emotions because I always thought that if you let people knew how they were hurting you, you let them win. I still have trouble shedding that attitude.

I actually did see a therapist for a year in Texas, and she felt that problem was keeping me from having good relationships and friendships. My assignment was to start telling people who were close to me how they made me feel when they hurt me. It continues to be hard for me to do that, even with Ross. Things still get hidden from time to time and probably always will.

But the good news is that my stomach problems are finally getting better now that I'm not dreading going to work every day. I have been moved to "when necessary" status by my doctor, which means I don't have to make my periodic visits. I'm very excited that I seem to be handling my life better. I hope I can continue to do better, but I honestly don't feel stressed. I seem to have learned to hide things even from myself. I'm not quite sure how to overcome that, but I will continue to try.

Sunday, August 6

The One With Muggsy and the Gang

In a never-ending quest to find a place to walk Muggsy, I might have gotten in a little over my head today. It's been too hot to take him to Yorba Linda, and it's too stressful to take him to the beach trail. But every day that I drive to my dog class in RPV, I notice this nice park in Torrance that always seems empty with this nice walking trail around it. So I decided to take Muggsy there. It still gets the beach breeze but not the beach traffic.

So I pull in and there are 15 guys of the same race, dressed exactly the same, sitting at a couple of tables in the park. I didn't really think much of it until I got out of my car and all 15 of them got up and walked toward me. I quickly opened the back door and got Muggsy out. They went back and sat down, and the two of us went on our walk.

When I later called my boss, she told me I should have called the police. I guess it's pretty standard for gangs to call something like a park their territory and try to intimidate people to leave when they come by. I guess that's why the park is so quiet... I've been living in cities so long that I sometimes forget how naive I can be. Guess it's a good thing I have a scary dog.

Saturday, August 5

The One With Chubbs' Inner Clock

When my mom was in town this last weekend, she was so impressed with the way Chubbs always seemed to know what day and time it was. I guess my life has gotten so predictable that my dogs can always tell what I'm going to do next. But every Sunday after lunch, Chubbs runs to the door because he knows it's time to go to agility class. Every time, I put on my tennis shoes, my dogs run for the door, hoping to be the dog that I take with them. When I put on my dress shoes for work, they completely ignore me.

This morning, I thought you would find it funny, Pheobes, that Chubbs woke me up at 9 a.m. on the nose, after I had been in bed about 9 hours. He had been lying next to me for at least an hour, and he just rolled over and started licking my nose. I found it so funny that I got up.

Tuesday, August 1

The One with Rachel's Birthday!

Happy birthday Rachel! I hope you have a sunshiny day full of friendly dogs and nice people, traffic miraculously parts when your Honda Pilot appears and your favorite coffee is ready and waiting when you arrive at Starbucks.

Ok, the coffee thing may be asking a bit much. But still ... here's to a great day!!! Love you, Mon